Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Astros Game 5

Tuesday evening Bobby's team, the Astros played the Diamonbacks at 6:00. Bobby and I arrived just as the teams were preparing to start because Bobby has Religious Ed class until 5:30.

Mimaw and Pipaw were aready there and had been watching the teams warm up. Mimaw said that the other teams had very good batting and fielding practice starting early and she was worried because they could catch, throw, and hit very well. Our guys didn't get much more than a warmup.

The Astros won 13-1!

The boys played well and some younger players came through with outs and hits.

Bobby flied out twice and was thrown out twice. Although, he made his share of good plays as usual.

I think the other team was worn out from their warmup

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Astros - Game 4

This game got off to a good start. The boys scored 5 runs in their first inning and they made some good defensive plays and held the other team either 0 or 2 runs. The other team had some very good players who could hit hard, catch superbly, throw straight, and were well coached. But our boys made the plays in the clutch and played a better game. Today they stepped it up a notch and got their first win!!

Bobby played first base all game again. He made several catches and several outs. He didn't make a single mistake that cost an out. The second baseman, Luke made several catches and threw them to Bobby for outs. Bobby got several grounders hit to him that he caught and stepped on the bag. On one play Bobby caught a pop fly and then ran to first because the runner on first forgot to tag up and started running to second. Bobby dropped the ball but had the presence of mind to chase it down and get back to first for a double play. Bobby also made the last out of the game.

Bobby hit the ball every time up to bat and on one he hit the last pitch. He got on base every time except on one fly ball where the shortstop ran past second to snag it on an unbelievable catch. But the next time he hit the ball harder and over their heads to the outfield. On one hit Bobby got to second and the other players over threw the ball so Bobby kept running and made it all the way home on a very close play for a home run.

We were all ecstatic over how the boys played and are now optimistic that they can win some games.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Astros - Game 2

The Astros played their second game of the season on a Thursday night. Bobby got to play first base for the entire game. Bobby had a great game and we were all proud of him.

The first time he came up to bat he got down 5 pitches to his last pitch, then he hit the ball to the outfield. He hit well all night and got several doubles.

Bobby's fielding was the best part of his game, he caught his first ever pop fly and he made several outs at first.

The highlight of the game was when Bobby caught a grounder to first, tagged out the runner and stepped on first for a double play.

Bobby made a few bobbles and other mistakes but overall it was his best game ever.

I was very proud of him but infortunately I was not there to see it as i had a work event that I had to attend. Everyone gave me a great report and I was very proud of him.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spring Baseball '09

This year Bobby returned to the Astros little league baseball team. Only one team member from last year returned but a whole team moved from another league and formed the Astros. Most of the players are very young but they follow directions well and play together as a team.

This year Bobby has grown in skills and ability and in the first game he got to play in the infield at first and second base. It was a cold and extemely windy morning but Bobby hit the ball every time at bat and even had a home run. He made a couple of outs and was a good contributor to the game. We didn't win but I was proud of the team's effort.

I looke forward to this season and seeing Bobby grow as a leader on his team.